Carquinez Bridges - Picture taken from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission web site.
The bike lane is on the bridge to the left.
I pulled Ella on the trailer bike about 30 miles yesterday afternoon. This was definitely one of the hardest rides in a while. (Ella weighs about 45 pounds and the trailer bike weighs about 20)
The bike lane is on the bridge to the left.
Dave drove to my house and we rode the mountain bikes - Me pulling Ella.
We headed across the Benicia bridge around 10 am.
Stopped near downtown Benicia at the big park, for Ella to play for a while.
Saw the 9:00 group ride by, and then quicken their pace - wondering what weirdo was hollering at them from the park.
Stopped at the top of Benicia Rd. to down a few handfulls of trail mix and play with sticks in the mud.
Crossed the Carquinez bridge sometime later and turned left near the Dead Fish.
Followed the Carquinez Scenic Highway all the way to Martinez, dismounting a few times to avoid the muddiest sections. (The closed section took a beating this past winter. Some large sections of the asphalt are closer to the water now.)
Stopped again at the downtown Martinez Starbucks for a mocha, hot chocolate, and a vanilla bean "shake."
Arrived home and cleaned, tuned up, and loved on the bikes.
Bec got home from her friend's baby shower to find Ella making tomato soup.
Ate tomato soup and left over baby shower cake.
Cleaned up the stove.